Organ donation law in England has changed since May 2020 英格兰自2020年5月起已修订器官捐献的相关法律

Organ donation in England has changed to an ‘opt out’ system. 

Please go to NHSBT Website to register your decision 

bout your choices on the NHS Organ Donor Register.


From 20 May 2020 the law around organ donation (pdf) in England is changing

从 2020 年春季起,英格兰将会修订器官捐献(pdf) 的相关法律

What is organ and tissue donation? 

Organ and tissue donation is the act of giving your organs and/or tissues to help save or improve the lives of others when you die.

One organ donor can save or transform the lives of up to nine people. Tissue transplants can also significantly improve a person’s quality of life. This might be a cornea to help someone see again, a replacement heart valve to treat a heart defect, or skin to treat severe burns.




Why is the law around organ donation changing? 

Every day, someone in the UK dies in need of an organ, because not enough organs are available for transplant. But only 1% of people die in circumstances that would allow them to donate. 

Most people support organ donation in principle and would be willing to donate their organs after their death. However, many people do not make this decision clear either by signing on to the NHS Organ Donor Register or telling their family. The change in law better reflects what most people want to happen and will help save and improve more lives.


在英国,每天约有三人在等待器官中死亡,因为没有足够多的器官可供移植。但只有 1% 的 死者满足器官捐献的条件。 

大多数人原则上支持器官捐献,并且愿意在他们去世后捐献自己的器官。但很多人没有明 确这一捐献决定,即他们未在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记或者未告知家属。法律的修 改将更好地反映大多数人的愿望,并将有助于拯救更多生命和改善更多人的生活。

What has changed?

From 20 May 2020, all adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be an organ and tissue donor when they die unless they recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups (see ‘Who will this change affect?’). This is commonly referred to as an ‘opt out’ system.

This means that if you have not confirmed whether you want to be an organ donor – either by recording a decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register or by speaking to friends or family – it will be considered that you agree to donate your organs when you die.

Organ donation remains an act of great generosity. You still have the right to choose whether or not to be an organ donor. Your family will still be consulted about donating your organs when you die.


从 2020 年春季起,英格兰的所有成年人去世后都将被默认为同意捐献器官和组织,生前做出了不捐献的决定,或者属于除外群体(请参见“此修订对谁产生影响?”)的除外。 

这意味着,如果您生前未通过 NHS 器官捐献者登记库登记您是否成为器官捐献者的决定,或未告知家人或朋友您的决定,那么在您去世后,将默认您同意捐献自己的器官。 


Who does the change affect? 

Now the law has changed it will be considered that you agree to be an organ donor if you are over 18 and:

• you have not ‘opted out’
• you are not in an excluded group
• You live in England
• You die in England

Your family will still be involved and your faith, beliefs and culture will continue to be respected. 


现法律修改已修改,如果您年满 18 岁并符合以下条件,将默认您同意捐献器官: 

• 未拒绝“默认同意”制,或 

• 不是除外群体 

• 在英格兰居住

• 在英格兰身亡


It will not apply to: 

• people under 18 

• people who lack mental capacity to understand the new arrangements and take the necessary action 

• people who have lived in England for less than 12 months before their death 

• visitors to England 

• people who are not living here voluntarily 


• 未满 18 岁者 

• 心智能力无法理解这项新规定并采取必要措施的人 

• 去世前在英格兰居住不足 12 个月的人 

• 来英格兰的游客

• 非自愿居住在英格兰的人

What do I have to do? 

The law around organ donation has now changed, but it is still your choice whether or not you become an organ donor. We want everybody to decide whether they want to be an organ donor and to share their decision with their family. 

If you do want to be an organ donor, you can register to be a donor on the NHS Organ Donor Register.

If you do not want to be an organ donor, you can register your decision not to donate on the NHS Organ Donor Register

If you have already registered your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register and your decision remains the same, you should tell your family what you want

If you have already registered, but want to change your recorded decision, you can do this simply at any time by completing the ‘amend your details’ form online. 


由于从 2020 年春季起,英格兰的器官捐献法将发生变化。我们希望每个人都做出是否捐 献器官的决定,并将决定告知自己的家属。 

如果您想成为器官捐献者,您可以在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记您的捐献决定。 

如果您不想成为器官捐献者,您可以在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记您的不做捐献决定。 

如果您已在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记您的决定,而且您的决定保持不变,您应该 将其告知您的家属。 

如果您已登记您的决定,但想进行修改,您可以随时通过在网上填写“修改详细信息”表格 来完成。

What is the NHS Organ Donor Register? 

The NHS Organ Donor Register is a secure database that holds the details of all those who have registered a decision about organ donation. It records whether or not someone wants to be an organ and tissue donor. For those who want to donate, it records which organs and tissues they want to donate. The Register can only be accessed by specialist NHS staff . 

Recording your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register and telling your family what you want are the best ways to help ensure your decision is honoured.

什么是 NHS 器官捐献者登记库? 

NHS 器官捐献者登记库是一个安全的数据库,里面保存了所有登记过有关器官捐献决定 的人的详细信息。它记录了登记者是否要捐献器官和组织的决定。对于捐献者,它还会记录 将捐献的具体器官和组织。只有 NHS 专业人员能访问该登记库。 

NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记您的决定并将其告知您的家属,这是确保您的决定得到 尊重的最佳方式。

Remember, if you are over 18-years-old when you die, are not in an excluded group and have not opted out, it will be considered that you agree to be an organ and tissue donor. 

Whatever you choose, it’s important to tell your family so they can support your decision. You should also tell them if you change your decision in the future. 

To register your decision visit

记住,如果您死亡时已满 18 岁,且不是除外群体,也没有明确拒绝成为捐献者,则将 默认您同意成为器官和组织捐献者。 

无论您的选择是什么,务必要告知您的家属,以便他们支持您的决定。如果您在未来 改变了主意,也应告知他们。 


Will my family still be asked about donating my organs after 20 May

 Yes. The family of a potential donor will always be approached to discuss the option of organ and tissue donation. This helps to make sure that any decision recorded on the NHS Organ Donor Register is your latest known decision. A specialist nurse will work with the family to help ensure this is supported. 

Your family can tell us about any particular requests or requirements you may have had to help ensure that organ donation goes ahead in line with your faith or beliefs. 

Your family provide important information about your medical, travel and social history too. The information your family provides would help ensure your organs are safe for others to receive. 

从 2020 年春季起,捐献器官还会征求家属的意见吗? 

会。我们会联系潜在捐献者的家属,以讨论器官和组织捐献的问题。这有助于确保捐献者 在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中登记的决定是其最新的决定。专业护士将协同家属确保此事 得到妥善安排。 


家属还能提供有关捐献者的病历、旅行经历和社会经历的重要信息。这些信息有助于确定 将捐献者的器官移植到他人身上是否安全。 

Find out more about your choices
There is a lot more helpful information about organ and tissue donation on our website: and on social media @NHSOrganDonor

更多有关器官和组织捐献的有用信息,请参见我们的网站: 和社交媒体 @NHSOrganDonor

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When you have made your decision, it’s important to record it on the NHS Organ DonorRegister and inform your family about your choice.

If you can’t find what you need on the website or are still unsure, you can call our dedicated helpline:

0300 303 2094

If you are hard of hearing please use our text relay service:

18001 0845 730 0106

To use text chat please SMS:

07860 034 343

NHS a history |

You can also use the NHS App to register your decision on the NHS Organ
Donor Register.
The app can be downloaded from the App Store or on Google Play.

如果您已做出决定,务必在 NHS 器官捐献者登记库中进行登记并告知您的家属 


0300 303 2094 


18001 0845 730 0106 


07860 034 343

NHS a history |

从 2019 年 5 月 1 日起,NHS 应用程序的用户将可以通过该应用程序在 NHS 器官捐献登记库中登记他们的决定。

您可以从 App Store 或 Google Play 中下载 NHS 应用程序。

 Available on App Store Button - Icon Shop - Download free icons ...  app-store-badge - MRWA - Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority 

Hilaria waited six years for a kidney transplant. She said: “When I got the call it was like a miracle. I cannot thank my donor enough for giving me a second chance at life.”

Hilaria 十年来一直在等待肾脏移植。她说:“当我接到电话 时,感觉就像奇迹降临了一样。我万分感谢我的捐献者给予 我第二次生命。”

Andrew donated his wife’s organs. He said: “It’s a comfort to know that other people have benefited as a result of Leslie dying. We’d had the conversation about organ donation, so it was the easiest decision to make, because I knew it was what Leslie wanted.”

Andrew 捐献了他妻子的器官。他说:“看到 Leslie 的选择造福了其他人, 我感到很欣慰。我们以前谈论过器官捐献这件事,所以这是最简单的选 择,因为我知道这是 Leslie 想要的。”