用美味填满乡愁 用明月寄托思念

CEDP中国中心中秋庆典完美落 百余海外华人共度中秋


“我知道你们经历了无比艰难的一年,积极参与各项CEDP组织的Wellbeing活动是非常正确的选择。今天我们终于聚在了一起,做月饼、看京剧、品茶香,这是多么幸福的事情。”布莱顿和霍夫市市长莉兹-迪恩(The mayor of Brighton and Hove, Councilor Lizzie Deane)宣布晚会开幕并发表了演讲,她高度认可CEDP对华人社区作出的贡献,为大家提供一个良好的平台进行交流和沟通,并且积极推荐CEDP接下来的活动和计划。



本次活动意旨在英国当地社区介绍中秋传统佳节健,推广中国简单、节俭、美味的饮食文化;团聚海外学者学生及社会人士,共同分享快乐,增强民族自豪感和凝聚力,缓解思乡情绪,增强归属感。CEDP董事会副主席吴先生,董事王爱娟博士和任玲大夫等分别做了年度培训和商务论坛的工作汇报和总结,并邀请和招聘有能力和缘分的人才加入CEDP的董事会和管理团队。CEDP为海外人士、华裔同胞、本地居民提供互相认识、交流和学习的机会,建立中英跨文化交流和发展的平台。作为BMECP foodbank 的一部分, CEDP 还为有需要的家庭提供了很多免费食品,在各种1-2-1 和小组的讨论中谈及播种疫苗的重要性,市长在发言中用自己得实例分享接种疫苗的重要性,同时指出如果遇到种歧视如何应对, 以及生命传承和器官捐赠的重要性。在此,特别感谢长期以来支持我们的伙伴Sussex community foundation, Brighton and Hove city council, NHS organ Donation。同时也要感谢本次中秋特别的月饼和食品的捐赠人钱珍CEDP理事,食品资助者海南同乡会和广西联合总会。


CEDP 中国中心成立与1997年, 正式注册为教育慈善基金会是在10年后的2007. 目前有9位董事。我们相继通过网络开办了《健身八段锦》《爱.瑜伽》《每月一期的心里咨询或保健养生知识讲座》《学跳民族舞儿童和成人班》《每周一首古诗和论语》《守望协助合唱团》《中文兴趣班》《酒文化和云品酒系列讲座》等慈善公益的活动,活动一直延续至今。一年52个星期,每星期十场(次)的线上公益活动,经历两年五个月,126个星期,连续的,不间断的努力截至今天2022年9月24日,CEDP中国中心已经举办了1220场(次)的线上慈善公益活动。未来我们更需要你们支持与帮助,期待你的加入。

Fill your nostalgia with delicious food

Send your thoughts with the bright moon

CEDP China Centre’s Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration


The 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival, organised by CEDP China Centre (hereinafter referred to as CEDP), was held at the BMECP Centre in Brighton from 3 to 5pm on 24 September. Nearly 100 overseas Chinese and overseas travellers from the UK were on hand to participate in the event.


“I know you have been through an incredibly difficult yearand it was very right to actively participate in the various Wellbeing activities organised by CEDP. What a blessing it is that we have finally come together today to make mooncakes, watch Peking Opera and sip the fragrance of tea.” The mayor of Brighton and Hove, Councilor Lizzie Deane, opened the evening and gave a speech in which she highly recognised the contribution CEDP has made to the Chinese community by providing a good platform for networking and communication, and positively recommended CEDP’s next She also recommended CEDP’s upcoming activities and programmes.


The mooncake workshop was in full swing, with three groups of handmade mooncake teachers making mooncakes for those who came to the event. “A crust is slowly rolled out to the size of the palm of your hand, 15 grams of filling is rolled into a ball and placed in the centre of your hand, then slowly recycled backwards like a bun and finally placed in a mouldand pressed, waiting five seconds for a perfect crust mooncake to take shape.” Young, a local boy from the UK, was captivated as the teachers demonstrated the creation of a perfect iced mooncake. He tried to follow the teacher’s rhythm in making the mooncakes and within five minutes, his first mooncake was born. “This is my first mooncake and it’s fun, the process is very much like the Chinese term for ‘reunion'”


The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the ‘Reunion Festival’, is a time when wanderers used to carve their calendars to keep their fingers crossed, and to be willing to travel the long way despite the thousands of miles that separate them. Sitting together, we share traditional food, which is a symbol of reunion. Roast duck, Hainanese chicken rice and cold dishes were served at CEDP, as well as a variety of traditional Chinese delicacies. Shen Yuting, a Sichuan Opera face changer from LSE and UCL University, entertained the audience with a visual feast.


The event aimed to introduce the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival to the local community in the UK and to promote the simple, frugal and delicious Chinese food culture; to bring together overseas scholars, students and community members to share the joy, enhance national pride and cohesion, relieve homesickness and strengthen the sense of belonging. CEDP provides opportunities for overseas people, Chinese compatriots and local residents to meet, exchange and learn from each other, and to build a platform for cross-cultural exchange and development between China and the UK. As part of the BMECP foodbank, CEDP also provided a lot of free food to families in need and talked about the importance of vaccination in various 1-2-1 and group discussions, with the Mayor sharing his own examples of the importance of vaccination, how to deal with discrimination, and the importance of life legacy and organ donation. Special thanks to our long term supporters Sussex community foundation, Brighton and Hove city council, NHS organ Donation and also to the donors of the special Mid-Autumn Mooncakes and food donations, Qian Zhen CEDP board member, Hainan Friendship Association and Guangxi United Association. The Guangxi Federation.


The CEDP China Centre was established in 1997 and officially registered as an educational charity foundation 10 years later in 2007. We currently have 9 directors. We have been running a series of online programmes such as “Fitness Eight Duan Jin”, “Love. Yoga”, “Monthly talks on health and wellness”, “Folk dance classes for children and adults”, “Weekly poems and the Analects”, “Watching and assisting the choir”, “Chinese interest classes”, and “Wine culture and wine tasting series”, and other charity activities have continued to this day. The CEDP China Centre has held 1,220 online charity events in 52 weeks a year, over two years, five months and 126 weeks, and as of today, 24 September 2022. We need your support and help in the future and look forward to your participation.