Information for COVID19 新冠抗疫信息

covid-19PersonalRecord个人记录表.pdf  is made by a CEDP friend, who is a doctor, to help people track symptoms, thisis just in case, hope we don’t need this. Keep calm and keep away from news, some bad feeling will disappear itself. 

covid-19PersonalRecord个人记录表.pdf  是CEDP的一位医生朋友,为了使大家可以记录自己相应症状,以备就医使用的。希望大家不会用到,但是希望有备无患。调整好心态,积极抗疫就不会有大问题的。



Organ donation in England has changed to an ‘opt out’ system. 

Please go to NHSBT Website to register your decision 

bout your choices on the NHS Organ Donor Register.
