Our CEDP Chinese New Year Gala 2022 will be held from 20:00 GMT (UK time, UTC+0) 5th February 2022.

2022 CEDP中国中心 网络春晚落下帷幕




本次网络春晚开幕前,英国皇室代表 HM Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex Andrew Blackman 和布莱顿市市长 The Mayor of Brighton and Hove Councilor Alan Robins 分别为本次晚会送了新春祝福。节目的内容设计上别具匠心,晚会共分为”忆家乡”、”迎新春”、”追未来之光”三个篇章,以气势磅礴的世界名曲”山鹰之歌”作为整场开篇,以温情为主旋律,通过歌曲表达对家乡的思念和热爱,诠释海外游子对家乡的思念之情。同时,一位通过自学,沉浸式孔院清华学习, 和CEDP中文合唱团寓教于乐方式学习了三年中文的多才多艺的外国友人,将一首合作原创曲目《天生我材》带入本次春晚,在线观看的观众们也在公屏上打出:”发音标准”、”太厉害了!”,将整个晚会推向高潮。



1. 自得琴社《山鹰之歌》
2. 吴娅菲 手舞《一起向未来》
3. 曾越 演唱《walking in the air》
4. Amy 孙一婷 《老虎面具真有趣》
5. Adam Davis演唱《天生我才》
6. Beacon Liu诗朗诵 《水调歌头》

Part 2

1. Teresa Anastasia LSE中文学员 古琴演奏 陈情令主题曲《不忘》
2. 何家四娃诗朗诵 《春天》
3. 瑞雅中文学校 学生李路易 吉他弹唱 《恭喜恭喜》
4. 嘉嘉 儿歌《蜗牛与黄鹂鸟》
5. Phoebe Haines 演唱 《梨花颂》
6. 萨塞克斯大学学生 陈帅志 欧阳思宇 演唱 歌曲《淘汰》
7. Brighton college 合唱团 两首歌 《让我们荡起双桨》《Believer》

Part 3


2. 霆霆《听我说谢谢你》

3.高文俊 茶文化介绍《茶系中英》

4.Peter’s family 《静月思》

5. Melissa诗朗诵 《新年是春天》


Brighton & Hove city council 、NHSOrgan Donation、Community Fund、Sussex Community Foundation以及英国深圳商会。


The 2022 CEDP Spring Festival Gala draws to a close

wenqi (Amanda )wang

On the evening of 5 February, over 200 participantsfrom the Brighton and Hove community and around the world came together to celebrate the Year of the Tiger.

The 2022 Spring Festival Gala, organised by the CEDP China Centre and filled with innovative content, was structured and hosted in an excitingformat which smoothly connected 22 distinctive performances. Bridging Chinese and British cultures, the gala was a feast of cultural exchange for Chinese people overseas, members of the local community, and students of Chinese language and culture.

To open proceedings, a representative of the British Royal Family, HM Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex Andrew Blackman, and the Mayor of Brighton and Hove, councillor Alan Robins, gave their sincere wishes for the Chinese New Year.

The Gala’s unique design was divided into three chapters: “Remembering Home”, “Welcoming the New Year” and “Chasing the Light of the Future.” The performances began with the world-famous”Song of the Mountain Hawk,” establishing”warmth” as the main theme for the evening and expressing the love and longing all travellers feel for their hometown. The highlight came when a Brighton-born British student, Adam Davis, who has taught himself Chinese for three years and studied with the CEDP, presented an original songin Mandarin, “Born for a Reason”; and the online audience all typed their praise onto the screen: “”Amazing song!” and “Perfect pronunciation!”

Full Programme:

Part 1

1. Zide Club sang “Song of the Mountain Hawk.”

2. Wu Yafei danced to “Together to the Future.”

3. Zeng Yue sang “Walking in the air.”

4. Amy Sun Yiting performed​”How to make a tiger mask.”

5. Adam Davis sang “Born for a Reason.”

6. Beacon recited “Song of Water Tunes.”

Part 2

1. Xi Feng (Chinese zither) the theme song of The Untamed, “Never Forget.”

2. Ho family children’s poem recitation “Spring”

3. Louis Li, (Ruiya Chinese School) played and sang “Congratulations” on the guitar.

4. Jia Jia Children’s song “The Snail and the Oriole.”

5. Phoebe sang “Ode to the Pear Blossom.”

6. Chen Shuaizhi Ouyang Siyu (Sussex University student) sang the song “Out.”

7. Brighton College Choir. Two songs: “Let’s Swing” and “Believer.”

Part 3

1. Piano performance: “Chasing the Moon in Colourful Clouds.”

2. Timothy performed “Listen to Me and Say Thank You.”

3. Gao Wenjun Introduction to tea culture “Tea connecting China and Britain.”

4. Peter’s family recited “Silent Moon Thoughts.”

5. Melissa recited “New Year is Spring.”

The evening attracted over two hundred online viewers, including overseas travellers, expatriates and local British residents. The festival has always been a testimony to the Chinese New Year celebrations of the nation, and watching the CEDP Gala has become the best memory of the Spring Festival in the hearts of countless people. The success of this year’s event would not have been possible without each and every one of the volunteer staff behind the scenes and every one of the organisations that supported us. Special thanks go out to our sponsors:

Brighton & Hove city council, Organ Donation, Community Fund, Sussex community foundation and the British Chamber of Commerce in Shenzhen.

We would like to invite you and your families to join us in celebrating the festive season with a repeat performance of the evening on the 2022 Lantern Festival.